Monday, November 12, 2012

1949 Wheat Penny

Found this in a roll of pennies at work.

1990 One Cent

This is a Bahamian penny which I found in a coin roll at work. I will never understand where we get our coins. They sort for nothing. Still, that's pretty styling with the flamingo and the marlin. You have to love coins with animals.

2011 50 Pence

Ugh. Sorry it's been a month. I got busy with school things. These three are extremely modern, from the UK. They're Olympic 50p- though oddly they're from before the Olympics started? I've got Badminton, Vollyball, and the Discus throw. Two of my friends who got married when to Scotland for their honeymoon and picked these up for me. Not that I wanted the whole set (I think there's 36 of them) but I'd like to get the Offside Rule one just because it's so funny.